Skin Lesion Removal: What You Need To Know

Skin Lesion Removal: What You Need To Know

20 / Sep

Skin Lesion Removal: Understanding and Removing Skin Tags

Skin tags, also known as ‘acrochordons’, are harmless growths that appear on the surface of the skin. They look like tiny flaps or protrusions and can range in size from a few millimetres to as much as one centimetre. While they may not be dangerous to your health, they often appear in uncomfortable areas which may cause discomfort. To help remove those pesky skin growths, Chippenham Pharmacy and Health Clinic is offering skin lesion removal treatments using Hyfrecation. In this article, we will go over what you need to know about skin lesion removal and some of the treatment options.

What are Skin Tags?

Let’s start with the basics. Skin tags, fondly known as ‘acrochordons’, are soft skin growths. They look like tiny balloons hanging off your skin. Harmless by nature, these are not moles, warts or anything worrisome. But did you know?

  • About 50-60% of adults will likely develop a skin tag at some point.
  • Both men and women can get skin tags.
  • Factors like obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (MeTS) and even genetics can increase the chances of one developing skin tags.
  • They typically appear on areas of the body where the skin folds, like the neck, underarms, eyelids, and groin.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags are caused by a combination of factors such as genetics, hormones and age. They are more common in people who are overweight or have diabetes, while they can also affect women during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. While there is no exact cause of skin tags, they can be more likely to appear in areas where the skin is constantly rubbing against clothing.

Typically, they come in shades of pink or brown, but may also have a more yellowish hue depending on your skin tone as the colour is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin) present in the skin. The most common areas for these growths to appear are on the neck, armpits, eyelids, groin area and under breasts.

While there is no single cause for skin tags has been pinpointed. here are some of the more common theories:

  • Skin Friction: Areas where the skin repeatedly rubs against itself may be more prone to developing skin tags.
  • Genetics: If your family members have skin tags, there’s a higher chance you might get them too.
  • Health Conditions: Factors like insulin resistance, hormone imbalances, and even the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) have been linked to skin tags.

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When Should You Consider Skin Lesion Removal?

While skin tags are generally benign, you might consider removal if:

  • They get caught in jewellery or clothing, causing pain or discomfort.
  • Their appearance makes you self-conscious.
  • The skin tag starts changing in appearance.

Our Approach: Safe and Efficient Skin Lesion Removal

While there are several treatment options, Chippenham Pharmacy  offers hyfrecation for skin lesion removal. It’s important that you do not try to remove a skin tag yourself unless a GP recommends it. Risks include infection, bleeding and scarring. As with most medical treatments, it’s important to understand what they entail and below you will find a brief explanation of different skin lesion removal services or treatments.

Hyfrecation for skin lesion removal

Hyfrecation is a minor surgical procedure that effectively eliminates unwanted skin lesions by utilising controlled and precise burning. Powered by high frequency and low voltage electricity, it provides a reliable method for removing various types of skin conditions, including genital warts, skin tags, haemangiomas, molluscum contagiosum, seborrhoeic keratosis and other genital skin conditions like PPP, vestibular papillomatosis (VP), and Fordyce spots. Experience the benefits of this advanced technique for safe and precise tissue removal.

After treatment, a small wound will appear at the site of removal. It will gradually heal and flatten over the course of a few days to several weeks, depending on the size of the lesions.

How Do I Prepare for My Hyfrecation Treatment?

Before your Hyfrecation appointment, we recommend that you do the following:

  • The skin must be clean and dry.
  • Do not wear make-up, fake tan or any other skin medications, creams or cosmetics on the area to be treated.

The treated area will scab for 7-10 days. Do not pick, peel, rub, scrub or irritate your skin in any way while it is healing, as this may cause scarring.

Avoid heat, saunas, hot tubs and sweaty activity for 1-2 days; this includes exercise of any kind

Cryotherapy for skin lesion removal

Cryotherapy is another option for skin lesion removal as it uses an extremely cold temperature to freeze and destroy the skin tag. This treatment is also highly effective and is generally used for smaller lesions or those located in areas where local anaesthetic can’t be administered. It’s a precise procedure that targets only the affected area, leaving surrounding skin untouched. After cryotherapy, the skin tag typically falls off within 10-14 days. While you might feel a slight cold sensation, the process is largely comfortable.


Skin tags are a common skin occurrence, and while harmless, they can sometimes be a nuisance. Whether you’re seeking relief from discomfort or are looking to enhance your skin’s appearance, our highly trained nurse practitioner offers hyfrecation to remove skin lesions.

Ready to say goodbye to those pesky skin tags? Click here to learn more, book your appointment, or explore our other clinical services. For further information about our health clinic services, please visit our website or call us on 01249 793 600.